Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dramatherapy Skills Training Workshops

A couple of weeks back I had facilitated a dramatherapy skills training workshop. The workshops were mainly for counselors and other mental health practitioners. I felt that it went on very well .
A few of the participants have been in the helping profession for quite some time and had a lot of wisdom about their work which they shared in the group.
There were also a few participants who are fairly new in the helping profession and they had brought with them a fresh perspective to the group.
I was very inspired by the participants - by their enthusiasm explore a different method of working with their clients, their insights and the willingness to share some information about their lives.
I look forward to facilitating more of such workshops in the future.

1 comment:

廿一世纪趴地熊宝宝 said...

could i have any incoming workshop information? Please send me the news via my email: so that I able to grab the opportunity to participate in. I had missed two workshops. T.T
sobs.. sobs...