Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dramatherapy Workshop at Taylor's University Psychology Day

On the 19th of April 2019 I was invited to present an Introduction to Dramatherapy workshop for the students of Taylor's University and later to be one of the speakers for a forum on Creative Arts Therapy.

As always, I loved facilitating the workshop and interacting with the participants.
There were many positive feedback from the participants, who were wonderful to work with.

It is encouraging that there is more interest in Creative Arts Therapy in Malaysia.

It was  a great pleasure to have reconnected in person, with Dr. Anasuya Jegathesan, the Program Director of Psychology at Taylor's University, who is my former colleague from many years ago,  at HELP University, where I had my first job as a Dramatherapist in Malaysia.

These are some of the pictures from the workshop.