After the conference, I visited with my friend, Mohan Kulasingam, who used to be my dance partner during dance performances, a very long time ago. He is my first male dance partner and is a wonderful dancer and yoga teacher. It was great to see him after such a long time. Although many years went by, reconnecting with him felt so natural and in a way, I felt 'at home'.
He took me to watch Ms Mary Anthony's dance class. It was one of the many highlights of my trip. Ms. Mary Anthony is o
She was conducting the dance class and even did the the class warm ups with her students. I felt honoured, by just being in her presence and watching her in action! T he dancer in me was in complete admiration and awe with her! She exuded radiance and had a quiet, gentle and yet, powerful command over the class. I could see and feel the high level of respect the dancers has of Ms Mary Anthony. She has a brilliant radiance about her. It was the most inpiring moments of my trip!