Thursday, March 5, 2009

Corporate Training : Creative Relaxation (Stress Management)

Continuous research both in the field of medicine as well as in the field of psychology have proven time and again that stress causes many adverse effects in both the body and the mind of a person, if it is not managed well. In the current economic situation, stress levels may be high as employees may wonder if they will still have a job in the next few months. There is lot of worries about how to manage if they lose their jobs. A lot of 'what ifs' in the air... Some organisations may have been forced to downsize and in many situations one person may end up having to do two or three other people's jobs.

When employees fall ill because of stress or are less able to focus on their work, organisations tend to lose monetarily because of the lack of productivity either due to illness or employees inability to focus on their work.

In this Creative Relaxation training sessions, the participants will learn how to use various creative and practical relaxation techniques which they may practice in their work environment as well as in their own time. The techniques which are used is unique as it will be utilising many of the creative arts tools in its applications. Although the main aim is to be able to manage stress well, the usual unintentional outcome also includes taping further into a person's creative self. That creative self has the tendency of expanding itself to the individuals work environment, which in many cases translate to a higher levels of work productivity.

Due to the current economic situation and many budget cuts in employee enhancement programs, this training can be catered to the organisation's budget.

If your organisation is interested to know more about this training, please contact :

Vanitha Chandrasegaram
Email: or

P.S The trainer is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.