Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Awakening the Divine Feminine (Steps to Self-Empowerment and Actualization) 23 & 30 Nov

I will be facilitating a workshop titled "Awakening the Divine Feminine" (I will be incorporating drama and creative methods) in Bangsar on Saturday, 23rd &30th November. Looking forward to it.. Expecting it to be an enlightening and fun experience! Both for me and the participants :) If you are interested to join, check out the link below and please call The Violet Flame, Tel: 03-2095 9858 to book a space.


Wellness & Stress Management for the Prime Minister's Department

I had facilitated a two days, training session for the Prime Minister's Department (Malaysia), last weekend on the topic of Wellness & Stress Management. The venue was at a resort in Melaka.  There were 53 participants, all of them were high ranking officials. I am appreciative of the opportunity and experience. I found it very interesting and I made it as fun as possible. Got them all to act, and for most of them it was their first shot at acting! Loved it! :)